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Renowned Speakers

Randall J Olson

Randall J Olson

University of Utah John A Moran Eye Center USA

Michael O’Keeffe

Michael O’Keeffe

University College Dublin, Ireland

Iva Dekaris

Iva Dekaris

Universities of Zagreb and Rijeka, Croatia

Stephen Russell

Stephen Russell

The University of Iowa, USA

Christine de Weger

Christine de Weger

Donders Institute of the Radboud University Nijmegen The Netherlands

F. Nienke Boonstra

F. Nienke Boonstra

Radboud University Nijmegen The Netherlands

Paul Dougherty

Paul Dougherty

Jules Stein Eye Institute, UCLA USA

Fuxiang Zhang

Fuxiang Zhang

Henry Ford Health System Hospital, Taylor, USA

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Refractive Surgery 2018

About the Conference

International Conference on Cataract and Refractive Surgery invites all the members over the world to take part in the event with the theme “Breaking the Visionary Barriers" which will be held on July 11th and 12th, 2018 in Sydney, Australia. Refractive Surgery 2018 conference will focus on most recent and energizing trends and developments in the territories of overcoming the visionary barriers. Refractive Surgery 2018 Conference additionally goes about as a stage to trade data, new mediation and fortify the coordinated effort among Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Eye Care Specialists, Related Educators and Researchers from both Scholarly World and Ophthalmic Foundations.


Our aim is to provide cataract surgeons, refractive surgeons, optometrists, opticians, young researchers, students, industrial delegates and anyone professionally involved in study of cataract and refractive surgery with an opportunity to learn about the complexity of the disease, discuss interventional procedures, look at new and advanced cataract removal practices and their efficiency and efficacy in the treatment of various refractive errors and cataract extraction, and understand local realities and practical constraints in improving vision-care.

About Organizers:

International Conference on Refractive Surgery is organized by Conference Series Ltd which is comprised of 3000+ Global Events with over 1000+ Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums and 1000+Workshops on diverse Medical, Pharmaceutical, Clinical, Engineering, Science, Technology, Business and Management field all over the globe.

Conference Series Ltd has an enhanced and highlighted feature of scientific partnerships and alliances with development agencies, Institutes, leading research organizations, non-government organizations, and other entities to promote the development-oriented research across the globe through live streaming, B2B and Scientific Meetings. Conference Series Ltd.’s Medical Conferences provides an excellent opportunity for the budding scientists and young researchers through its special initiatives like Young Researcher Forum, Poster Presentation and E-poster (for more information visit conference series).

International Conference on Refractive Surgery brings together a unique and international mix of large and medium pharmaceutical, biotech and diagnostic companies, leading universities and clinical research institutions making the conference a perfect platform to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe. Refractive Surgery Conference maximizes the opportunity to interact with and learn from your peers from across the globe, it held with the discussions on Cataracts, Cataract Surgeries, Cataract Prevention, Choosing An IOL, Eye Therapeutic Areas, Refractive Surgery, PRK Laser Eye Surgery, LASIK, Optometry Instruments, Benefits Costs and Management of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Optometrists Courses & Education and Vision insurance.

Meet significant Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Researchers, Clinicians from Australia, Dubai, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, China, Spain, Taiwan, Chicago, UK, Korea, India and many more countries.

Target Audience:

Cataract surgeons, Refractive Surgeons, Ophthalmologists, optometrists, researchers, students, industrial delegates from Academia and Research along with the industrial professionals from biomedical companies and healthcare sectors.

A Unique Opportunity for Advertisers and Sponsors at this International event.


Conference Series Ltd. invites participants from all over the world to participate at the International Conference on Cataract and Refractive Surgery which is going to be held on July 11th & 12th, 2018 at Sydney, Australia. The theme of the conference is “Breaking the Visionary Barriers", which focuses on the significance of vision and latest technological developments in the field of Cataract & Refractive Surgery.

Designation Statement:

Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the following activities

Track 1: Cataract Surgery

Right when the eyes lenses get the opportunity to be shady, Cataract evacuation is for the most part supported and in this way Cataract surgery like Cryoextraction is performed. In Cataract surgery, the lens inside the eye that has wound up shady is removed and supplanted with a mimicked lens (called an intraocular lens, or IOL) to restore clear vision. The system routinely is performed on an outpatient start and does not require an overnight stay in a center or other thought office. Most present Cataract surgery integrates the usage of a high-repeat ultrasound device that segregates the cloudy lens into minute pieces, which are then carefully removed from the eye with suction. The up and coming Refractive Surgery Conference may likewise concentrate on Cataract surgery as this is the most broadly recognized eye sickness everywhere throughout the world.

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.

Track 2: Refractive Surgery

If you have a refractive error, such as farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism or presbyopia, refractive surgery is a method for amending or improving your vision. There are various surgical procedures for correcting or adjusting your eye's directing ability by reshaping the cornea, or clear, round dome at the front of your eye. Other procedures involve inserting a lens inside your eye. The most widely performed type of refractive surgery is LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), where a laser is used to reshape the cornea.

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.

Track 3: Visual Neuroscience

Visual neuroscience is a sub branch of a bigger conglomerate subject called Neuroscience. This branch contemplates various topics such as organization of visual pathways; subcortical processing; processing in the primary visual cortex, effects of drugs on visual neural pathways, computational modelling of neural pathways of vision, longitudinal relationships between eye movements, attention and cognition. Insight into this process allows clinical psychologists to fetch a greater understanding for what may be causing visual disorders.

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.

Track 4:Optometry Instruments

Ophthalmic instruments help in different ophthalmic techniques to cure the illnesses and thus need to discuss in all Ophthalmology conferences and optometry conferences. As indicated by Ophthalmic Medical Devices, Diagnostics, and Surgical Equipment: Global Markets (HLC083B) from BCC Research, the worldwide business sector was valued at about $16.9 billion in 2012, up from just about $15.3 billion in 2010. The business sector is required to reach $20.2 billion in 2017, a growth of almost $3.4 billion amid the estimate period and a compound yearly development rate (CAGR) of 3.7% from 2012 to 2017. Key markets in Asia Pacific incorporate Australia and India, where contact lens markets are entrenched. Open doors for development stay in several districts and the lion's share of Eastern Australia. By 2017, the Australian contact lens business sector is anticipated to reach $2.8 billion, developing at a rate of 3% every year.

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.

Track 5: Optometry Meetings

Specialists of optometry are occupied individuals. We know it can be a test to fit everything into their calendar, and that is the reason Optometrists Meeting like Ophthalmologists meeting unites it all—in one spot—for them. Optometrists Meeting permits each member to make more grounded and more compelling relationship for their calling and their practices. This is our one-stop search for meeting with industry forerunners in the Exhibit Hall and interfacing with their associates crosswise over two entire days of occasion.

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.

Track 6: Optometry Research

Research in Optometry conferences and ophthalmology conferences incorporates examinations in zones, for example, binocular scatters, low vision, visual ailment, geriatrics, pediatrics, and the impacts of contact lens wear. Fundamental exploration in Vision Science concentrates on such trains as bioengineering, psychophysics, neurophysiology, visual neuroscience, atomic and cell science, cell film natural chemistry, biostatistics, apply autonomy, contact lenses, spatial route, visual contaminations, refractive improvement, corneal surface mapping, newborn child vision, computational vision, and 3D PC displaying.

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.

Track 7: Vision Insurance

Vision insurance and vision plans (such as VSP and Eye Med) can significantly lower your charge of eye care and prescription eyewear.

Though "vision insurance" is the term commonly used to describe plans that reduce the cost of eye exams, eyeglasses, contact lenses, etc., in most cases, costs associated with these eye-related services and products are shielded instead by stand-alone vision plans that are more precisely described as annual wellness benefits or discount plans.

An exemption to this is cataract surgery and other medically necessary eye surgery, which typically is covered by major medical and health insurance plans. (LASIK and other elective vision correction surgery usually are excluded from medical insurance plans, but discounts for these procedures may be included in vision and wellness plans.

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.

Track 8: Ophthalmology Community

Eyes obfuscated by cataract might one day be cured with drops instead of surgery, another creature study proposes. Today, surgery is the foremost method for treating cataract, the main source of visual impairment on the planet. Specialists eliminate shady lenses and supplant them with simulated lenses. However, analysts have found that a natural compound called lanosterol can improve vision by dissolving the clustered proteins that frame cataract. An affirmed and viable treatment for the condition is surgery which incorporates supplanting the impeded lens or the obfuscated lens with another one made of plastic. In situations where these substitutions can't totally cure the condition, the vision is then redressed by utilizing spectacles and contact lenses. Aside from the surgery and utilization of contact lenses there are a limited medication that can be applied to treat cataract and enhance the vision.

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.

Track 9: Ophthalmologists Career & Training

Ophthalmologists are doctors who spend substantial time in treating and detecting sicknesses of the eye. Such issues can incorporate maladies like cataracts or glaucoma; wounds; and issues with vision, like farsightedness. American Academy of Ophthalmology have renowned and expertise ophthalmologists have more particular preparing in the eye than family specialists and, in opposition to optometrists, have finished therapeutic school and know about general medication. On account of this preparation, ophthalmologists frequently get referrals of patients with genuine eye issue from optometrists and family doctors. Coursework in a therapeutic school program incorporates general wellbeing concentrates, for example, life structures and physiology.

To encourage the forthcoming ophthalmologists, Refractive Surgery 2018 Conference has an exceptional session on ophthalmologists' vocation and preparing.

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.

Track 10: Other Discussion Topics

  • Benefits, Costs and Management of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
  • Factors responsible and affect eye growth
  • Cataract and YOUR DIET!
  • Influences on other diseases on Cataract and Refractive Conditions
  • Choosing IOLS
  • Scientists Working on Eye Drops to Dissolve Cataracts
  • Cataract Prevention

Related Conferences Ophthalmology Conferences | Optometry Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | 2018 | Melbourne | AustraliaEurope | USA | Middle East | Asia Pacific | Conference Series

9th International course on ophthalmic and oculoplastic reconstruction and trauma surgery  10-12 January 2018 Vienna, Austria; Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress    8-11 February 2018 Hong Kong; Congress of the Société Françoise ophthalmology 5-8 May 2018 Paris, France;4th International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1-3 March 2018  Tel Aviv, Israel;  Florence Retina Meeting  6-9 June 2019 Florence, Italy; World Congress of Ophthalmology 16-20 June 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 2nd International Conference and Expo on Cataract and Advanced Eye Care 14-16 June 2018  Rome, Italy; International Meeting on Neuro-Ophthalmology and Vision Science 21-22 March 2018 Bali, Indonesia;19th Global Ophthalmology Summit  26-27 February 2018 Berlin, Germany; International Conference on Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26-27 July 2018 Melbourne, Australia; International Conference on Oculoplastic Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology 28-30 May 2018  Osaka, Japan.





Market Analysis

Importance and Scope

Refractive Surgery Conference 2018 will be the best platform for all the ophthalmologists, optometrists, research scholars, students who are working in this field to share and enrich themselves related to cataract, refractive surgery and other advancements in the field of vision. This international event is an effort to progress and search for an alternative for vision corrections in case of optical disorders like cataract, Myopia, Hyperopia and Astigmatism.

Conferenceseries welcomes all the ophthalmologists, optometrists, research scholars, industrial professionals and student delegates from biomedical and healthcare sectors to be a part of the esteemed Refractive Surgery Conference -2018. This will be the best amalgamation of academic research and industrial innovations, involving every aspect of cataract and refractive surgery techniques. However, it is open to all types of advanced research methodologies both from academia and industry. 

According to World Health Organization (WHO):

  • 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 have low vision.
  • About 90% of the world’s visually impaired live in low-income settings.
  • 82% of people living with blindness are aged 50 and above.
  • Globally, uncorrected refractive errors are the main cause of moderate and severe visual impairment; cataracts remain the leading cause of blindness in middle- and low-income countries.
  • The number of people visually impaired from infectious diseases has reduced in the last 20 years according to global estimates work.
  • 80% of all visual impairment can be prevented or cured.
  • Cataract removal is the most commonly performed ophthalmic surgical operation.

Conference Highlights

1.       Cataract Surgery

2.       Refractive Surgery

3.       Visual Neuroscience

4.       Optometry Instruments

5.       Optometry Meetings

6.       Optometry Research

7.       Vision Insurance

8.       Ophthalmology Community

9.       Ophthalmologists Career & Training

Why Sydney, Australia?

The big thing in Sydney is without doubt the Sydney Opera House. It is beautifully located on Sydney Harbor, and is one of Australia's World Heritage sites. For visitors to Sydney, it is the perfect backdrop for "I was there" travel photos. You can take your pictures on the approach to the Opera House, on its forecourt, across the water from West Circular Quay in the vicinity of the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, or from Mrs. Macquarie’s Point where you can have both the Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge in the background.

Again this is usually part of the "I was there" photographic record and for those who do do the Bridge Climb a unique "I did that" moment. For those who don't climb the bridge, walking or bicycling on the bridge across the harbor is certainly possible. Sydney Harbor Bridge was 80 years old in 2012, having been officially opened in 1932. The bridge and Sydney Opera House are Sydney's most iconic features.

Usually described as the birthplace of Australia, what is now Sydney's Rocks district is the site of the first white settlement established by Captain Arthur Phillip in 1788. The area features buildings constructed during colonial times as well as more recent structures planned to blend with the architecture of the past. A Sydney visitor centre, with maps and information about places to visit in Sydney and other parts of Australia, is located in The Rocks. Pubs, restaurants and specialist shops are to be discovered in its streets and alleys.

This is a multi-venue destination, which includes waterside walks, restaurants, shops, museums (Australian National Maritime Museum and Powerhouse Museum), exhibition halls, Imax cinema, boating venues, aquarium and wildlife. Darling Harbour extends along the western, southern and eastern sides of Cockle Bay and takes in the King St Wharf restaurant area just south of Barangaroo.

For those who love going to museums and art galleries, Sydney is fortunate in having a number of them right in — or close to — the city centre. Closest to a Sydney transport hub is the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia which is a short walk from Circular Quay. There's the Police and Justice Museum on Phillip St, also close to Circular Quay, with the Sydney Museum on Bridge St just a block away south. Around or close to Hyde Park are the Australian Museum, Hyde Park Barracks, Art Gallery of New South Wales at The Domain east of St Mary's Cathedral, and the Anzac Memorialwithin Hyde Park itself. And there are the Australian National Maritime Museum and the Powerhouse Museum in Darling Harbour.

In Sydney you're never far from sand and surf as the harbours, bays and shores are lined with any number of beaches. You can go surfing, boating, sailing, snorkeling, diving, or you can simply laze away the day under the Sydney sun. Of course, you need generally fine days for going to the beach, and almost all seasons except winter are fine. Among Sydney's better-known seaside sites are Manly Beach and Bondi Beach, both quite easy to reach by public transport.

You'd be surprised to know how close you are to Sydney's parks and gardens. The Royal Botanic Gardens are adjacent to the Sydney Opera House site and Hyde Park is right in the heart of Sydney. National parks in the city itself or within easy driving distance are easily accessible.

Driving on unfamiliar streets to get to Sydney destinations can be a daunting task for the new or occasional visitor to Sydney. Fortunately, there is a working, if sometimes overly busy, public transport network. City trains fan out from the city centre to most major suburbs and there usually is a nearby bus stop anywhere in Sydney for those wishing to go by bus. For harbor and other waterside destinations, see if there's a ferry that will take you there. There's a tram as well on the light rail route from Central Railway Station with stops at Chinatown, Darling Harbour and The Star casino complex.

Ah, shopping! Depends on what you want to shop for. Souvenir items, jewelry, designer clothes, art — you'll find Sydney shops with items you may not find anywhere else. In the heart of the city, try Queen Victoria Building, Westfield Sydney, Strand Arcade and the boutique shops in this area around Pitt Street Mall. Don't forget The Rocks just northwest of Circular Quay. On the way to Bondi Beach you may wish to do a bit of shopping at Westfield Bondi Junction. And for bargain items there are the markets such as Paddy's in Chinatown.

Major hospitals associated with Cataract and Refractive Surgery around ASIA PACIFIC are:

  1. LV Prasad Eye Institute
  2. Bumrungrad Hospital - Bangkok
  3. Shraddha Eye Care Trust
  4. MIOT Chennai, India
  5. Vasan Eye Care
  6. Maxivision Super Specialty Eye Hospital
  7. Sharp Sight Centre
  8. Eye Care Hospital - Lasik Eye Surgery
  9. Bombay City Eye Institute & Research Centre
  10. The Vission Eye Center             


Major hospitals associated with Cataract and Refractive Surgery in Sydney are:

Albury Base Hospital

Alice Springs Hospital

Calvary Private Hospital

Armidale Hospital

Darwin Private Hospita



Fig: Comparision of Number of Hospitals per region

Major societies associated with Cataract and Refractive Surgery are:

  1. American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
  2. American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology
  3. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology(ARVO)
  4. European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA)
  5. Asia Pacific Glaucoma Society
  6. European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS)
  7. Australian Society of Ophthalmologists
  8. European Society of Ophthalmology
  9. Kazak Association of Ophthalmologists

Associations in Asia Pacific

1.       Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology

2.       Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (APACRS)

3.       Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society (APGS)

4.       The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)

5.       Asia Pacific Tele-Ophthalmology Society

6.       Aditya Jyoti Eye Hospital Association

7.       Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology

Associations in Australia

Australian Society of Ophthalmologists

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons - Specialty Society

Australian Ophthalmic Nurses Association Inc. NSW

International Council of Ophthalmology

Australasian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons

Bionic Vision Australia, the bionic eye collaboration project.

Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA)

Centre for Vision Research- NSW

Eye and Vision Collaborative Group, Flinders University, South Australia

Eye Foundation (affiliated with RANZCO)

Fred Hollows Foundation

Glaucoma Australia

Guide Dogs Victoria

Keratoconus Australia

Lions Eye Institute, Western Australia

Macular Degeneration Foundation

Optometrists Association (Australia)

Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia (ORIA)

The National Vision Research Institute of Australia

Orthoptic Association of Australia

Retina Australia

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO)

Royal Blind Society (NSW & ACT)

Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind

Save Sight Institute (University of Sydney)

University of Melbourne Department of Optometry and Vision Science

Vision 20/20 Australia

Vision Australia Foundation

Associations in Sydney

Glaucoma Support Group

University of Melbourne Department of Optometry and Vision Science

Australian College of Optometry

Australian Ophthalmic Nurses Association Victoria

Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology


Fig: Comparision of No. of Associations per region

Various Companies Worldwide:



Aerie Pharmaceuticals

Aerpio Therapeutics


Alimera Sciences



Ampio Pharmaceuticals



Eleven Biotherapeutics

EyeGate Pharmaceuticals

Gene Signal

Icon Bioscience






Otsuka Pharmaceutical


RXi Pharmaceuticals



Various Companies in Australia

OncoSil Medical

Cardiac Dimensions

Universal Biosensors


Teleflex Medical


LeMaitre Vascular





Universal Biosensors

Cardiac Dimensions

OncoSil Medical

AtCor Medical

Various Companies in Sydney

BOC Ophthalmic Instruments

Designs for Vision

Insight Optics  

Industrial & Scientific Supply Co Pty Ltd

ZEISS Australia

Device Technologies

Mcfarlane Medical Equipment (Holdings) Pty Ltd

Optech Diagnostic & Surgical Pty Ltd

Cyclopean Design Pty Ltd

Optom Forum

AIS Australian Instrument Services



Various Institutions/Colleges Australia:


University of New South Wales

Queensland University of Technology

Flinders University

Deakin University

Various Institutions/Colleges Sydney:

Tafe NSWwestern Sydney Institute

Deakin University

Australian College of Optometry

Peninsula Community Health


Fig: Comparision of No. of Institutes per region

Why to attend?

In today's economic climate your business choices are as vital as ever. International Conference on Cataract and Refractive Surgery allow you to make the most of your time and marketing dollars while receiving instantaneous feedback on your new products and services. International Conference on Cataract and Refractive Surgery is organizing an outstanding Scientific Exhibition/Program and anticipates the world's leading specialists intricated in Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Your organization will benefit with excellent acquaintance to the leaders in Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Refractive Surgery Conference 2018 is an exciting opportunity to showcase the new technology, the new products of your company, and/or the service your industry may offer to a broad international audience.

Glance at Market of Advertising and Marketing:

Changing trends in diet and lifestyle as well as increased longevity are growing the market for ophthalmological treatments: the global ophthalmic device market is expected to reach $28 billion by 2017 exhibiting a 2.5% compound annual growth rate from 2009 to 2017, according to GBI Research.

“The worldwide ophthalmic products market exceeds $22 billion (US) and is growing at more than 10% per year. Without the inclusion of consumer eye care products, the ophthalmic products market is roughly a $17 billion market.” Rising of demand for ophthalmic devices and expanding healthcare coverage in emerging economies will increase sales to 2024.The medical device market of Australia is mainly comprised of medical equipment such as consumables, orthopedic devices, dental devices, respiratory devices, and ophthalmic devices which are manufactured in Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Spain. The demand for medical devices has been growing owing to a mounting awareness for early diagnosis and treatment of countless disease states in Oceanic countries. The key countries that have contributed significantly to the Oceania medical devices market during 2008-2013 include India, Singapore, Australia and France. Australia is one of the major Oceanian markets and it has been observed that the country contributes immensely to the exports of medical devices. The overall medical devices market in Asia Pacific is projected to reach AUD ~ million in 2018, augmenting at a CAGR of 3.9% during 2013-2018.  

Market analysis report

Cataract and Refractive surgeries enhances ophthalmic education to improve eye care Institutes and contribute to preservation and restoration of vision around the world. Cataract removal is the most commonly performed ophthalmic surgical operation. Ophthalmology continues to be an attractive field of medicine with great opportunities. WHO reports that 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 have low vision. About 90% of the world’s visually impaired live in low-income settings.82% of people living with blindness are aged 50 and above. Globally, uncorrected refractive errors are the main cause of moderate and severe visual impairment; cataracts remain the leading cause of blindness in middle- and low-income countries. The number of people visually impaired from infectious diseases has reduced in the last 20 years according to global estimates work.80% of all visual impairment can be prevented or cured.

There are approximately 23,861 ophthalmologists in the United States, according to the American Medical Association. The median salary for ophthalmologists is $325,384, and the average starting salary for ophthalmologists is $215,000, according to the American Medical Group Association's 2009 AMGA Medical Group Compensation and Financial Survey.

Ophthalmology represents 18 percent of the average case volume in surgery centers, second behind GI/endoscopy (25 percent). The average surgery center performs 4,869 cases annually, which would average to around 876 ophthalmology cases annually, according to VMG Health's 2009 IntelliMirrors. Cataract surgery is one of the most common procedures in the United States, with more than 22 million Americans age 40 and older affected by cataracts. By age 80, more than half of all American will have cataracts and had cataract surgery, according to the National Eye Institute. The number of cataract cases is expected to increase in the next 10 years as a result of the aging baby boom generation.

According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research the global ophthalmic drugs market was valued at $16 billion in 2012 and is expected to reach an estimated value of $21.6 billion in 2018.Globally, the ophthalmic drugs market is witnessing significant growth due to increasing prevalence of eye disorders, such as diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. As a result, this market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 5.2% during 2013-2018.


Fig: Future Projections of Ophthalmology


North America has the largest ophthalmic drugs market, while Asia is the fastest growing market. Some of the fastest-growing markets for ophthalmic drugs are China, India, other countries in Southeast Asia, and the Eastern Mediterranean. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of blind people aged 50 years and above will grow in these regions, increasing the demand for ophthalmic drugs. Conversely, in developed regions, such as North America and Western Europe, rising efforts toward prevention of blindness among the aging population has emerged as a key driver for the market. Glaucoma has the largest market share in the ophthalmic drug market, and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of about 4.2% during 2013-2018.


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date May 24-25, 2018

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology Research Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Case Reports Journal of Clinical Case Reports

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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